Sunday, January 15, 2006

Remembering A King - January 16, 1929 - April 4, 1968

Monday, January 16, 2006, marks the 77th birthday of one of our greatest Civil Rights leaders of the 20th century. Yet for all of the struggles Dr. King and others endured so that Blacks could partake in the same liberties as Whites, I wonder what Dr. King would think about the present state of this Union.

I can picture Dr. King shaking his head at the manner in which the leader of our great country was chosen. I can also picture Dr. King heavy laden with grief at this senseless war our brothers, son, daughters, fathers and mothers are dying in. A war that seems to not have an end in sight.

I imagine Dr. King's head hanging very low in shame about being an American, yet see so many Americans perish needlessly during the natural disaster of Hurricane Katrina. I wonder if Dr. King would have been able to stand how our government took its time in coming to the aid of these dying people with basic neccesities of food and water after being abandoned for days on end after Hurricane Katrina struck.

Would Dr. King be surprised to see that in 2006, racial discrimination is as prevelant, if not more prevelant than in the 1950s and 60s? Would he be shocked to see that Blacks are still targeted for racial profiling, although now its hidden under the guise of 'national security'? Would it be a surprise to Dr. King that much of the Black population in America is still living below poverty level? What would Dr. King say knowing that we have an African American woman holding one of the highest political offices in this free country who think Blacks have made tremendous stride in the fight for justice and equality?

My heart is burdened as I try to imagine Dr. King's reaction. I dedicate this poem to America to indicate my feelings on the state of this country, the great US of A!


I pledge allegiance to myself,

Because I can’t depend on no one else.

In these divided States of America,

Things for us just aren’t getting any better.

Just look at the last presidential election,

America is declining, and there is no self reflection.

And to the Democracy for which it is suppose to stand,

It’s a high stakes game becoming harder to understand.

Look at the fighting and turmoil around the world,

Many divided nations under one God, all on the same soil.

A nation that’s suppose to be indivisible but 9-11 proved otherwise to us,

We’re a nation of many with plenty of unjust.

As far as our Liberties, what liberties I ask,

Ain’t none for us, although we’ve paid for it with the sweat off our backs.

Some say we’re not worthy it only applies to their race,

They’ve put themselves well ahead of the game at a steady pace.

Justice, well break it down slowly,

Just-us, they mean and hold us lowly.

Plenty of injustices, just look at the past several hundred years,

And the future looks no brighter, strengthening our fears.

If we, Black people don’t learn to pull together,

Learn to love and support one another.

Won’t be nothing left for us to pass on,

Only more injustices and less opportunity, as we moan.

Happy Birthday, Dr. King! Something tells me that if you were here today, this day would not be such a happy occasion for many reasons.


Diamond said...

Vee Jay,

Good morning. Thanks for this tribute. Honest and real. Dr. King would not stand for this turmoil today had he been here. And the people here today some of them, act like he did not exist. They need a reminder. Thanks also for "America, As Seen Through My Eyes." So true.


Shelia said...

Unfortunately, we don't have any great Black leaders. MLK was one of the last.

C J Domino said...

I wonder what his thoughts would be on the fued that has ruptured between his children?

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you're familiar with the show Boondocks, but this was theme for last Sunday's show and it just slapped me in the face how far we have/haven't come and what's left for us to do. What would King say indeed...

MsJayy said...

As we celebrated MLK Jr. yesterday, I had to shake my head myself at how far we've come...and sadly, how much farther we have to go. It seems that we have not only held loosely to Dr. King's dream, we have failed to add to it. As we move into the new year, I ponder how we can move forward positively, collectively & individually.